Sunday, June 6, 2010

MM Meditation - Letting God Choose

Blogger has not been faithful in publishing
 my scheduled blogs.
This was supposed to be released 6-6-10 5am.

Better late than never!

This is the May 5th devotional from Our Daily Bread
It was so inspiring and convicting
about personal desires and choices,
I needed to share.

We may have secret longings too deep to utter to others - perhaps a desire for marriage, or a work or ministry we'd like to perform, or a special place to serve.  We must put each desire in God's hands and pray, "Lord, You must choose for me.  
I will not choose for myself."

Genesis 13:10-11 tells us that Lot made his own choice about a desire he had.  He "lifted his eyes and saw all the plan of Jordan, that it was well watered the garden of the LORD...Then Lot chose for himself all the plain of Jordan."

The plain of Jordan, with its rich soil and copious water supply, looked best to Lot.  But the land was polluted with wickedness (v. 13).  Pastor Ray Stedman wrote that "Lot, presuming to run his own life, 'chose for himself,' and, deceived by what he saw, stumbled blindly into heartache and judgment.  Abram, on the other hand, was content to let God choose for him...Abram saw it in its true light."  Lot chose for himself and lost everything - his family, his fortune, his favor with man.

It is always the best course for us to let God choose and to follow His direction, knowing as we do that all our heavenly Father's choices are prompted by infinite wisdom and love.  --David Roper

Contentment comes when we want God's will more than our own way.

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