I assumed our youngest, Rebekah, must have felt the emotion of the moment as I did, because she asked, "How come we don't hold hands when we pray?"
The time warp was gone. Instead of the joy of one another's presence, we were brought back into our own reality with the squeezing, squealing, pulling, prodding, giggling and taunting that followed. As Grace reached for Rebekah's hand, to close our circle of love, she resisted, then succumbed with a little sigh.
Good parents that we are, Scott and I instantly decided that if the hand-holding caused this many problems for our children, then this would HAVE to be protocol until their hearts and their behavior could lovingly, obediently and charmingly embrace this new family tradition.
"Mom, I didn't say I wanted to hold hands when we pray.....
....I just wanted to know why we didn't."