I'm a little slow on the start, but I am out of the starting block.
A few stumbles, like I am tripping over untied shoelaces,
but I am moving forward.
One of my 2011 blogging goals is to blog weekly
at my home school blog -
hOmE tEaChEd.
Maybe I'll even get a blog button that says something
extremely clever like
tUeSdAyS aT
hOmE tEaChEd.
After 17 or so years of teaching,
I should have something to say,
if I remember...
and can stay awake long enough at night to blog...
or I can endure seventeen-eleven interruptions...
'member when they used to count that way?
Join me today as we work through
Thanks for all your tips and encouragement! They are priceless! Have a great week homeschooling!